Justice, the iconic French electronic duo, has announced their first headline UK show in years, scheduled for February 12, 2025, at London’s Alexandra Palace. This one-off performance marks their return to the UK after releasing Hyperdrama, their first album in eight years, earlier this year. The record, featuring collaborations with artists like Miguel, Thundercat, and […]
French electronic duo Justice and psychedelic rock powerhouse Tame Impala have just dropped a mesmerizing visual for their collaborative track “Neverender,” blending Art Nouveau influences with vintage 80s Japanese anime. The video, directed by Masanobu Hiraoka alongside Kota Iguchi and Armand Beraud, is a psychedelic journey that seamlessly merges nostalgic and modern aesthetics. In a […]
Get ready to groove because Justice is back with a bang! The French electronic duo has dropped their latest single, “Saturnine,” featuring the sensational vocals of R&B star Miguel. With pulsating beats and infectious rhythms, this track is bound to get you moving. “Saturnine” is a departure from Justice’s signature sound, showcasing their versatility and […]
Iconic French electronic duo Justice is back in the spotlight with their latest release, a tantalizing music video for “Generator” from their highly anticipated upcoming album, Hyperdrama. Scheduled for release on April 26th via Ed Banger Records / Because Music, Hyperdrama promises to be a groundbreaking addition to Justice’s discography. The music video for “Generator” […]
Mark your calendars and get ready to groove because Justice is back with a bang! Following their much-awaited return this January, the French electronic duo has once again graced us with their infectious beats and innovative soundscapes in their latest single, “Incognito.” As a tantalizing preview of what’s to come in their fourth studio album, […]